Through the ages, people have been wondering and guessed how the earth and all that is in it began. In our century, modern science has suggested a few answers:
- Some scientists believe that everything started with a 'big bang' a huge explosion which started a long chain-reaction and at the end brought life to earth.
- Other scientists say that there's this thing called 'continuous creation' -no evidence of any dramatic beginning, so the universe must have been there.
However, the suggestions do not answer our biggest questions:
-If everything began with a bang, what caused the bang?
-If the universe has always been there, how and why does it exist?
There are some problems that science cannot answer because science is just based on what can be observed. If we want answer, we must look for other evidence.
"In the beginning..."
That's Christianity's answer. You can find this right at the beginnning of the bible (Genesis 1:1) It was God who started everything. Before God, there was nothing at all existed. God started everything with a word of command.
The way God make things and the way humans make things has a big difference. For example, if you design and construct a model, people may say,"Wow, that's really creative!" But you still need to find materials to make the model. God was creative in a completely different way. He started his creation with nothing.When we read further the book of Genesis, we learn another important thing about our Creator- he was pleased with everything he created. That's really unlike us, there was nothing he created that he disliked and wanted to throw away. When it was all finished, God looked at everything he had made, and he was very pleased. (Genesis 1:31)
If we believe in this kind of Creator, it makes a big difference to how we look at this world. Some religions teach that the material world is a hostile place. But Christianity takes a much more positive view. If God made the world and was pleased with it, we can enjoy it too.

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Reference: Field, David, A Faith for Life. (Lion Publishing, 1985)
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